The role of SOcial ecoNomY in Addressing social exclusion, providing quality jobs and greater sustainability

Strengthening networks of elderly social care in rural areas

Start date: 1 November 2024
End date: 31 October 2028
Supported by Horizon Europe

There is an urgent need to provide quality care for an increasingly ageing population. However, complex legal and policy environments governing social economy organisations often result in inadequate working conditions and hinder innovation. These issues are acute in rural areas, where access to care facilities and resources is limited. In addition, the dominant recipient model of social care is known to challenge the sense of dignity, identity and quality of life outlook. The EU-funded SONYA project will evaluate the role of social economy organisations in attracting, retaining and supporting care workers. Expected outcomes will be to deliver innovative participatory models of social care, assessment methods and policy guidelines adapted to SEs with varying sizes, network development levels and national contexts.


Enhancing Social Innovation in Rural Areas

January 2024 - January 2028

Funded by the EU’s funding programme for research and innovation Horizon Europe


Partnership: Universidad de Burgos, Spain (LP), Federazione Trentina Della Cooperazione, Sociedad para el desarrollo de la Provincia de Burgos (Spain), Fundacion Oxigeno (Spain), Hetfa Kutatointezet Kft (Hungary), Magyar Reformatus Szeretetszolgalat Alapitvan (Hungary), Institut Za Razvoj I Inovacije (Serbia), European Rural Development Network (Poland), Lietuvos Socialiniu Mokslu Centras (Lithuania), Druskininku Vietos Veiklos Grupe (Lithuania), Euricse (Italy), Borghiin Rete Di Imprese (Italy), Hogskolen I Innlandet (Norway), Innlandet Fylkeskommune (Norway), Euromontana (France)



Alliance Fostering Skills Development for Social Economy - European Social Innovation Campus

September 2023 - September 2027

Funded by the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe Erasmus+


Partnership: Diakonia, Finland (LP), Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione, Tallinn University (Estonia), Fundatia Alaturi De Voi Romania (Romania), Asociatia Institutul pentru Partenariat Social Bucovina (Romania), Federacion de Cooperativas y de la Economia Social (Spain), Social Innovation Growth Fund Ireland (Ireland), Odisee (Belgium), Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Asociacion Empresarial de Sociedades Laborales (Spain), Euricse (Italy), Universitetet i Sorost Norge (Norway), Euclid Network (Netherlands), Ukrains'ka Sotsial'na Akademia (Ukraine), Live-saatio (Finland)



Governing Community Resilience

April 2023 - March 2026

Funded by the EU co-funded interregional cooperation programme  Interreg Europe


Partnership: Province of Fryslân, Netherlands (LP), Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione, Syddjurs  Kommune (Denmark​), ARDITI Regional Agency for the Development of Research Technology and Innovation (Portugal​), Coimbra Region Intermunicipal Community (Portugal​), Municipality Government Saarema (Estonia​), Hajdù-Bihar  County Government (Hungary​). Associated partners: Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy), Centro regional coordination and development commission (Portugal), Governo regional - instituto de desenvolvimiento regional IP-RAM (Portugal)



Public-private-partnership for Social and Solidarity Economy

April 2023 - March 2026

Funded by the EU's funding programme for cohesive regional development Interreg Central Europe


Partnership: Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy (LP), Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione, National Foundation for Civil Society Development (Croatia), Regional Development Agency ARLEG (Poland), Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities PRIZMA (Slovenia), Vocational Support Association - FAB (Austria), Pannon Business Network Association (Hungary), LINKS Foundation (Italy), ALDA+ (Italy), Regional Development Agency for Podravje - Maribor (Slovenia), Lower Silesian Center for Social Policy (Poland), Split Dalmatia County (Croatia)


Technical Assistance on implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of employment policy at national and local level and strengthened capacities to participate in ESF

June 2023 - December 2025

Country: Serbia

Funded by the EU's Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance


General objective: Support for relevant bodies in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of employment policy at national and local level and capacity building for participation in the ESF.
Specific objective:
- Support the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs (MoLEVSA) and Local Authorities (LSG) in improving the effectiveness of the Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) through better design;
- Strengthen the capacities of the actors in the field of employment (MoLEVSA, National Employment Agency (NES), LSG and other actors) to improve their activities related to the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Active Labour Market Policies;
- Support the Serbian institutions and other relevant actors in fulfilling the requirements of the cohesion policy and participation in the European Social Fund;
- Prepare the ground for the experimentation of the Youth Guarantee Programme.

Improved evidence-based policy-making, implementation practices and coordination in the ESP sector and strengthened capacities to participate in ESF

January 2023 - January 2025

Country: Montenegro

Funded by the EU's Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA)


General Objective: To strengthen the capacities of the beneficiary institutions to implement a sectoral approach and to assume the obligations arising from the EU accession process in the field of ESF (in line with chapters 2, 19 and 22).
Specific Objectives:
To support evidence-based policy making, implementation practices and co-ordination in the field of ESF in order to support the assumption of obligations arising from the EU accession process.
To support the efforts of the future Operational Structure in ESF-relevant programming.
Build the capacity and awareness of stakeholders at national and local level for the management and use of the ESF.
Further improve the capacities of beneficiary institutions for the management, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and control of EU-funded programmes and projects and ensure a high level of efficiency in the use of available IPA funds in line with EU standards.

Supporting the strengthening of the Guatemalan Ministry of Labour in the implementation of the National Decent Work Policy (PNED)

January 2023 - February 2025

Country: Guatemala

Funded by the EU's Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA)


Overall objective: to contribute to poverty reduction in Guatemala, especially for young people and women.

Specific objective: to support, train and improve the institutional capacity of the Guatemalan Ministry of Labour in the implementation of the National Decent Work Policy (PNED) with a focus on the most marginalised groups.

Tchnical assistance for promoting decent future of work approach with a focus of gender equality

February 2021 - July 2023

Country: Turkey

Funded by the EU's Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA)


General objective: To increase the institutional capacity of the Department of Employment Policies of the General Directorate of Labour of the Ministry of Labour by improving the quality and efficiency of policy-making through adequate capacity building, awareness-raising, scientific and technical studies and coordination/cooperation mechanisms within each category of intervention, which are strongly linked to the main strategic documents of the sector.

Specific objectives:
Institutional capacity building
Scientific and technical studies
Coordination and cooperation mechanism

Improving the working conditions

Period: November 2019 - December 2023

Country: Republic of North Macedonia

Funded by the EU's Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA)


Overall objective: Encourage the creation of formal jobs and the reduction of undeclared work and stimulate greater economic activity of women in the labour market.

Specific objectives: Promoting fair and equal treatment of working conditions for all workers through:
1- Supporting the implementation of legal, policy, institutional and awareness-raising measures that facilitate the transition to formality (introduction and implementation of measures/instruments that enable compliance, strengthening of labour and social security benefits and incentives for transition to formal jobs).
2- Combating gender discrimination at work and reconciling family and professional life (development and implementation of solutions for reconciling family and professional life and reducing gender discrimination in the workplace).

Dialog for Innovation And LOcal Growth

August 2019 - July 2023

Funded by the EU co-funded interregional cooperation programme  Interreg Europe


Partnership: Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy (LP), Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa (Bulgaria), Lower Saxon Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development (Germany), ESF Flanders (Belgium), Ticino Canton Education, culture and sport Department VET Division (Switzerland), Junta de Comunidades of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)



Capabilities, Opportunities, Places and Engagement - a project dedicated to the health and social inclusion of NEETs, young people excluded from training, study and employment

January 2022 – December 2023

Funded by the EU's Programme for Employment and Social Innovation EaSI


Partnership: Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy (LP), Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione, National School of Public Health of NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal), University of East London (UK), European Foundation for Philanthropy and Development of Society (Croatia), SHINE2Europe (Portugal), Coges Don Milani (Italy)
